What: Fish Collecting Trip in Johnston and Harnett Counties
When: Friday, Sept 7, 2018, 10AM - 4PM
Led by: Gerald Pottern
Who: RAS Members (your membership must be up-to-date!)
Where: Meet at 10:00 AM in the parking lot at Smithfield Chicken & Barbecue, 4000 Jones Sausage Rd, Garner. It's on the NE side of I-40 at exit 303, on the SE side of Raleigh.
Details: We'll head south down I-40 to collecting sites in Johnston and possibly Harnett Counties. Site locations to be determined, depending on weather and stream gauges. Wear rubber boots or waders if you have them. Briers, poison ivy, and broken bottles are common along the creek banks. Gerald's scientific permit will cover us as a group, so an individual fishing license is not required. Also bring extra dipnets and/or boots if you have any to share with others who don't have their own. If you plan to keep any fish, bring a cooler and salt (1 teasp per gallon). We will have a photo tank, so you can "collect" fish photos rather than fish. We will return to Raleigh around 4:00. Species we may find include: Bluespotted sunfish, Blackbanded sunfish, Banded pygmy sunfish, Flier sunfish, Bluegill sunfish, Warmouth sunfish, Redfin pickerel, Chain pickerel, Pirate perch, Mosquitofish, Lined Killifish, Eastern mudminnow, Swamp darter, Tesselated darter, Creek chubsucker, Golden shiner, Satinfin shiner, Swallowtail shiner, Tadpole madtom, Grass shrimp, and many plants, invertebrates, and amphibians.