2018 RAS Fall Auction

The 2018 RAS Fall Auction will take place on Sunday, October 28, 2018 at the Holiday Inn. We expect a great turnout this year, as the monthly auctions at regular meetings have been growing in size. Specific details:

  • Auction location has changed from previous events to the Raleigh Holiday Inn on 2805 Highwoods Blvd.

  • Doors open at 9AM, auction begins at 10AM

  • Auction is limited to fish, plants and invertebrates (no dry goods).

  • Important: no dry goods (tanks, stands, lights, and other large items) will be allowed at auction. Unfortunately, we do not have sufficient space at this location for dry goods -- stay tuned for a possible future swap meet for dry goods.

  • Auction is open to all (buyers and sellers do not need to be RAS members).

  • Registration (for both buyers and sellers) is a two-step process:

    • Registration is free for current club members of any aquarium club (proof required); non-members must pay a $5.00 registration fee at the door to gain entrance.

    • Both sellers and buyers must register on-line at http://www.mygroupauctions.com. All auction activity takes place via the MyGroupAuctions site. Please register in advance. If you don't register online in advance or if you have additional last-minute items for sale, PLEASE COME EARLY to register on-site.

  • Priority Stickers move Live Auction items in front of non-priority items to be auctioned. Stickers can be purchased for $1.00 each on a first-come-first-serve basis at the registration table by sellers and buyers. There will be a limited number of priority stickers sold.

Detailed Rules for Buyers (i.e., Bidders)

  1. Any person wishing to bid must register and receive a bidder number prior to bidding.

  2. For security purposes, a valid driver’s license or other form of identification must be left with the registration table which will be returned upon leaving the auction.

  3. RAS accepts cash, checks or credit card payments for auction items.

  4. All purchases must be paid for before any item leaves the room where auction is held.

  5. Auction items may be inspected prior to the auction and during designated breaks.

  6. In all cases, the decision of the Auctioneer and Auction Chairman is final on disputes.

Detailed Rules for Sellers

  1. Any person wishing to sell items must complete all registration documents and agree to the terms of the auction. Use MyGroupAuctions.com to pre-register your items and print labels if you can to minimize the morning traffic jam at the registration table (information on this is given below).

  2. Live items must be properly bagged and of suitable size to maintain water quality throughout the duration of the auction. Proper fish bags must be used. Ziploc bags may be used for dry items or plants, but not for fish. Fish in Ziploc bags will be removed from the auction. Very large fish must be in a bucket, not a bag. Fish must be bagged with ample air and water (about 1/3 water, 2/3 air). Do not overcrowd your fish. Multiple bags may be joined together as one item if necessary. For dry goods, we encourage bulking small items into one larger sale due to space restrictions.

  3. RAS may re-bag items as necessary and will charge sellers a $1.00 re-bagging fee which will be taken off the price received for the item.

  4. The Auction Chairman has the right to remove any item from the auction that is incorrectly bagged, appears sick or diseased, or otherwise deemed unsalable.

  5. Priority stickers can be purchased for $1.00 each on a first-come-first-serve basis (3 stickers are given free of charge to every club member participating in the auction as a buyer or seller). There is a limited number of priority stickers sold and they are available only at the registration table. You can put priority stickers on any item at the auction.

  6. Tanks and dry goods items will be put into a separate silent auction in a separate area of the room. If any Buyer or Seller wishes them to be sold as part of the main auction, they may purchase a priority sticker and move the item into the main auction. Silent Auction items are to be priced with a minimum $1.00 bid and go up in $1.00 increments. Priority stickers are placed on the item, not sheet.

  7. Once an item is registered it may not be withdrawn, except by the Auction Chairman. The Silent Auction Chairman has the right to request that small single dollar items be consolidated into a single lot. The Silent Auction ends at around 3:00pm, with item pick-up to be done within the hour.

  8. Sellers have the right to put a minimum bid on any of their items. This must be clearly labeled, or the item may be sold under a minimum price. Minimum bids must be at least $5.00.

  9. Sellers may remove the minimum bid or item with approval from the Auction Chairman.

  10. Any item not claimed at the end of the auction becomes the property of RAS.

  11. The first dollar of EVERY SALE will go to RAS. After the first dollar, the Seller will receive 70% of the balance (for RAS members), or 60% of the balance (for non RAS members). For example, if your item sells for $11, a RAS member would get $7 and a non-member would get $6.

  12. No payments will be given on the day of the auction. Checks will be mailed out in a timely fashion by the RAS treasurer after the auction. Ensure that your registration information (name, address, telephone number, e-mail address) is correct. Although every effort will be made to ensure timely payments, RAS is not responsible for delays due illegible or incorrect seller information.

  13. RAS claims no responsibility for any item entered in the auction or any personal injury that might occur during the auction or on the auction site.

  14. In all cases, decisions made by the Auctioneer and Auction Chairman are final on any dispute.

What: Fish Collecting Trip in Johnston and Harnett Counties

When: Friday, Sept 7, 2018, 10AM - 4PM

Led by: Gerald Pottern

Who: RAS Members (your membership must be up-to-date!)

Where: Meet at 10:00 AM in the parking lot at Smithfield Chicken & Barbecue, 4000  Jones Sausage Rd, Garner.  It's on the NE side of I-40 at exit 303, on the SE side of Raleigh.

Details: We'll head south down I-40 to collecting sites in Johnston and possibly Harnett Counties.  Site locations to be determined, depending on weather and stream gauges.  Wear rubber boots or waders if you have them.  Briers, poison ivy, and broken bottles are common along the creek banks.  Gerald's scientific permit will cover us as a group, so an individual fishing license is not required.  Also bring extra dipnets and/or boots if you have any to share with others who don't have their own.  If you plan to keep any fish, bring a cooler and salt (1 teasp per gallon).  We will have a photo tank, so you can "collect" fish photos rather than fish.  We will return to Raleigh around 4:00.  Species we may find include: Bluespotted sunfish, Blackbanded sunfish, Banded pygmy sunfish, Flier sunfish, Bluegill sunfish, Warmouth sunfish, Redfin pickerel, Chain pickerel, Pirate perch, Mosquitofish, Lined Killifish, Eastern mudminnow, Swamp darter, Tesselated darter, Creek chubsucker, Golden shiner, Satinfin shiner, Swallowtail shiner, Tadpole madtom, Grass shrimp, and many plants, invertebrates, and amphibians.