About the RAS Horticulture Committee
The Raleigh Aquarium Society revived the Horticulture Committee (HC) at the beginning of 2019 to promote plants and planted aquariums in the aquarium hobby.
The Horticulture Committee (HC) is made up of a chairman, designated each year by the president, and a group of volunteers to serve as Plant Ambassadors for the Raleigh Aquarium Society.
Duties include but not limited to:
Assist with plant ID for the club at all formal functions to include monthly meetings, workshops, and auctions.
Assist and educate on specific plant species cultivation.
Assist and educate on plant problems and invasive or overgrowing varieties and how to prevent their spread.
Promote the inclusion of top hobby speakers on aquatic plants for club functions. These talks will include education about cultivation and selection of plant materials towards aquascape design.
Manage the Horticulture Award Program and other plant related programs.
Contact Us
Email Richard Mullinax, the 2019 Horticulture Committee Chairman.