BAP update

The October monthly meeting yielded 2 BAP entries from 2 different members. Most notably was an initial entry of Lake Tanganyikan shell dwellers (Neolamprologus multifasciatus) by Chip Hildreth. Continuing the Lake Tanganyikan theme, the other entry was the cavespawning Julidochromis dickfeldi from BAP chairman Larry Jinks. With November as the last month for BAP entries for 2015, we anticipate a flurry of entries between the November monthly meeting and our big fall auction the following day. Any BAP entries after November will be counted for 2016. The Breeder Award Program revisions can be seen on our new website along with the restructured submission form. Webmaster Matt Degroodt has developed an electronic submission of the BAP form to eliminate the paperwork and make filing easier. See BAP chairman Larry Jinks to join the fun of the Breeder Award Program!