The February meeting saw another strong BAP effort as 3 members provided 9 entries. The variety of entries was impressive with four livebearers, three killifish, a new world cichlid and an anabantoid. Dan Koenig entered the dusky millions livebearer (Phalloceros caudimaculatus) and was presented with his first level “Breeder” plaque, earned last year. Vice president Jon Haddad brought in a mop spawning African killifish (Epiplatys roloffi). BAP chairman Larry Jinks accounted for the other entries with two poeciliid livebearers: the Monterrey platy (Xiphophorus couchianus) and the spike tail platy (Xiphophorus xiphidium); a goodeid livebearer (Chapalichthys encaustis); the Mekong rice fish (Oryzias mekongensis); a new world cichlid (Guinacara sp. “Rio Caroni”); a mop spawning killifish (Pachypanchax playfairi); and the spike tailed paradise fish (Pseudosphromenus cupanus).