The July meeting saw four BAP entries from three different members and featured several significant changes in the standings. Frank Montillo moved past Todd Wenzel to second place in the cumulative standings. Frank entered the African mop spawning killifish Epiplatys fasciolatus and the South American substrate spawning cichlid Aequidens patricki.
Dan Koenig moved past Matt DeGroodt to second place in the “Breeder of the Year” standings with albino bristlenose pleco catfish (Ancistrus sp.). Larry Jinks entered yet another Central American cave spawning cichlid (Thorichthys callolepis) from the stock collected by Rusty Wessels.
The Breeder Award Program revisions can be seen on our new website along with the restructured submission form. Webmaster Matt Degroodt is working on an electronic submission of the BAP form to eliminate the paperwork and make filing easier. See BAP chairman Larry Jinks to join the fun of the Breeder Award Program!
Through the monthly auction the Breeder Award Program provides quality livestock to the membership at reasonable prices and enables the membership to try working with new species of fish that they won’t see at local shops. Anyone who would like to join the BAP can contact chairman Larry Jinks at meetings or e-mail him at The BAP standings are now posted on the website along with the rules and entry form. Members don’t have to have anyone come to their house, but can bring six fry at least 60 days old to a meeting with a completed BAP form (found on the website). There are four options to get credit for the entry:
1. Enter the fish in the silent auction (or weekend workshop auction)
2. Donate the fish to the monthly raffle
3. Write an article on the spawning for the monthly newsletter
4. Do a presentation at a monthly meeting
Cumulative Standings
(as of August 1, 2015)
1 Larry Jinks 1545
2 Frank Montillo 715
3 Todd Wenzel 695
4 Neil Frank 300
5 Eric Hanneman 250
Elvin Eaton 250
6 Allan O'Briant 10
7 Gerald Pottern 230
8 Dan Koenig 185
9 Dave Herlong 120
10 Matt Degroodt 70
11 Ben Guardiola 55
12 Phil Lamonds 30
Lauren Layton 30
14 Jon Haddad 25
15 Allan O'Briant 20
16 Justin Ho 10
Sam Jenkins 10
Breeder of the Year Standings
(as of August 1, 2015)
1 Larry Jinks 200
2 Dan Koenig 100
3 Matt Degroodt 70
4 Frank Montillo 65
5 Jon Haddad 15
6 Allan O'Briant 10
Elvin Eaton 10