First Annual Carolina Killifish Club "BBQ at the Beach" May 30th

Killifish club meeting at the home of Brian Perkins in Wilmington, NC. Open to everyone with even a passing interest in Killies, those who want to learn more about these fish, obtain new stock, and enjoy a day outing to Collect and view Native fish, ( including rare Killies), & view Wild Orchids and Carnivorous plants native to Eastern North Carolina in their natural setting. We will start at around 11am in Wilmington and carpool out to the sites. That gives folks as far away as Richmond, VA or Charlotte, NC the enough time to make their way out to the beach and join the special guided tour of the Green Swamp Nature Conservancy acreage conducted by Fritz Rohde; long time resident and local Native Fish and Orchid expert. Come for the weekend, and get a hotel near the beach! Hang out with us on Saturday and that leaves Sunday open to go swim or beachcomb at Wrightsville, Carolina or Kure Beaches. There is also the ruins of Fort Fisher- a civil war era attraction. After the Orchid walk and some collecting, return to my home for BBQ. We will supply all the fixins, munchies and drinks, but please bring a dessert or salad to share, and something to BBQ! After the BBQ I plan to give a short presentation on the Killies of Peru as we understand them to date, and have plenty of wild fish for you to bid in the auction. I will post a list of fish in the next week or so ( not just killies but all manner of species) that I can import in time for the meeting. So if there is a particular Cory. or Apistogramma, or Cichlid you are looking for, you can review the preorder list, place an order with me, and then buy your fish at the meeting. If you want to bring a tent and camp out, we have room in the rear yard for this, we could probably accommodate a couple of RV's if that is more your style.